You may contact the Director of Nondiscrimination Initiatives/第九条 Coordinator/Section 504 Coordinator by email, 电话, 或者使用 online reporting form. Meetings will be held in person or by video conference.

Sexual misconduct, including sexual harassment, 性侵犯, relationship violence, and stalking are prohibited and will not be tolerated by 韦尔斯利. 韦尔斯利 is committed to providing a safe environment in which all students can thrive as they pursue their educational goals.

As a member of the 韦尔斯利 College 社区 you have the right:

  • To be treated with respect and dignity.
  • To be free from violence, force, threats, and abuse.
  • To be free of any action that unduly interferes with your rights and learning environment.
  • To be made aware of all medical, legal, and support options available.
  • To have access to confidential support.
  • To a prompt and fair resolution process.

Sexual Misconduct | 第九条



Director of Nondiscrimination Initiatives and 第九条 Coordinator/504 Coordinator
Schneider Center 214


Legal Assistant and 第九条 Deputy Coordinator

The Director of Nondiscrimination Initiatives and 第九条 Coordinator/504 Coordinator is available to provide information to students regarding the College’s 第九条 program, including policies, investigation process, and interim and other remedies, and works with other on-campus resources as appropriate. The 第九条 Coordinator is also available to work with off-campus resources and offices at other institutions of higher education. The 第九条 Coordinator takes primary responsibility for assessment of effectiveness of the College’s 第九条 program.

教师 and staff are prohibited from engaging in sexual or romantic relationships with students. For questions, contact the 第九条 Coordinator.

报告ing Options:

第九条/Nondiscrimination Incident 报告ing Form
联系 韦尔斯利 College Police Department


  • Police and the 第九条 Coordinator are non-confidential resources and will treat the information you give them with extreme sensitivity. In some cases, they may need to use the information to address a threat or maintain safety.
  • If you report criminal activity on campus a specially trained Campus Police officer will respond and investigate and share the information with the Town of 韦尔斯利 Police because the College is within the jurisdiction of the Town.
  • If you report criminal activity that occurred outside of 韦尔斯利 College, Campus Police will take a preliminary report documenting the basic facts and will be available to assist in working with the law enforcement department with jurisdiction.


韦尔斯利 takes seriously its commitment to empowering students to end sexual misconduct. All students are encouraged to complete Not Anymore, an online education program that will provide you with information about sexual misconduct on college campuses and how to be an active bystander, as well as opportunities for personal reflection.

教师 & 工作人员

第九条 Hearings
第九条 hearing training
provided by Grand River Solutions

Prevent Sexual Violence Together teaches employees how to recognize and report student sexual misconduct.

  1. Review the policy under Related 政策.
  2. 参观 EduRisk Learning Portal.
  3. If you have accessed this training before, log in. If not, click "Register" and complete the registration form.
    1. You will receive a welcome email with your username and a temporary password.
    2. Follow the link in the email to sign on.
    3. You will be prompted to create a new password.
  4. Once you are logged in, complete:
    1. 马赛克: Prevent Discrimination and Harassment Together (choose the Supervisor version if applicable); and
    2. 马赛克: Prevent Sexual Violence Together.
  5. Note: Pop-up blocker must be disabled. For technical difficulties, visit
  6. A history of your completed courses is available in “My Completions.” You will also receive an email containing a link to your completion certificate, upon successful completion of the course.

Edurisk Learning Portal