Schwarzman Scholars Program (rising seniors & graduates)


  • 经中国申请的申请人(中国内地、香港、澳门、 & Taiwan): May 20, 2024;
  • 通过美国/全球申请的申请人(除中国申请外的护照持有人): September 12, 2024.

旨在培养下一代全球领导人 Schwarzman Scholars Program 是为了应对21世纪的地缘政治格局而创建的吗. Whether in politics, business or science, 未来世界各国领导人的成功将取决于对中国在全球趋势中所扮演角色的理解. 该项目旨在为世界上最优秀、最聪明的学生提供机会,通过在中国最负盛名的大学之一——北京清华大学攻读一年制硕士学位,发展他们的领导技能和专业网络.

学生们在苏世民学院校园内共同生活和学习, 最先进的设施,所有课程都用英语授课. Students pursue core and elective courses in a specially designed curriculum which is flexible to the needs of a wide array of interests and professional fields. Read more about the curriculum here.

For full details, please refer to the official website.  

Did you know? 苏世民奖学金的前三个班中,有两个班是皇冠体育的毕业生: Savitri Restrepo Alvarez '16 (watch a video here) and Deborah Tien '12! Diana Lam '20 是我们最近的苏世民学者:你会是下一个吗?


Who is eligible and what makes for a strong candidate?

  • The competition is open to citizens of any nation.
  • Applicants may be seniors or graduates, aged 18-28.
  • All applicants must have strong English language skills.  不需要精通普通话,但肯定会是一种优势.
  • There is no required minimum GPA, 但申请人必须在学术研究方面表现出色, 最具竞争力的候选人将是他们毕业班的尖子生, as well as demonstrating excellence in other areas. 除了评估申请人已证明的智力和学术能力, 招生过程非常注重领导潜力, strength of character, 预测新趋势和机遇并采取行动的能力, and desire to understand other cultures, perspectives, and positions.  那些被选中的人将通过激励和指导团体,证明他们在自己的文化和背景下产生成果的潜力,而不仅仅是受益 from but also contribute to the Schwarzman Scholars program.
  • 书面申请将由来自世界各地的一组读者进行审查,他们将缩小选择范围. 大约300名半决赛选手将被邀请到北京参加面对面的地区面试, Singapore, London, or New York, and will go before interview panels comprised of CEOs, former heads of state, university presidents, non-profit executives, journalists, and other leaders from around the world. (Watch a short video about this.)

How do I apply?

Applications should be submitted directly via the official website.  官方申请系统通常在1月(针对中国申请)和4月(针对美国/全球申请)开放。.

我们热烈鼓励有兴趣申请这项奖学金的卫尔斯理学生和毕业生向奖学金团队寻求建议,以便提交一份强有力的申请, preparing for finalist interviews, and more: book a Fellowships advising appointment via Handshake 当面或通过电话或视频聊天讨论事情, year-round; or drop by Fellowships Pop-Up Advising virtually or in person (details via Career Education events listings).

Where can I learn more?

There’s a wealth of information provided on the official Schwarzman Scholars website. Don't miss their helpful webinars and info sessions, here.  

我们热忱鼓励未来的韦尔斯利申请者向凯特·戴林杰(Kate Dailinger)提出问题并寻求建议 Handshake 或者只是在虚拟或亲自到奖学金弹出咨询,详细信息通过 Career Education events listings).

*Applicants are urged to seek advice in advance, especially those applying in the global round, 什么是在研究生奖学金的高峰期. Book early and beat the August rush! 咨询是提供亲自或通过电话或视频聊天,全年.

Application timeline

Spring and summer

  • Learn about the Scholarship, 参加校园信息会议或报名参加官方网络研讨会(见 official website for dates/recorded webinar)
  • Start to plan for your application, 包括和你可能要求写推荐信的人交谈.
  • Ask for letters of reference early尤其是因为截止日期正好是韦尔斯利学术日历的繁忙季节. (提示:如果你之前已经向潜在推荐人寻求过建议,那么要求提供推荐信就容易得多.)
  • 给自己一个优势,尽早开始你的申请. 如果你想在申请截止日期前得到反馈,请将论文草稿发邮件至 (earlier and additional drafts are strongly encouraged).  Then book a Fellowship draft appointment via Handshake; appointments are offered year-round, in person and via telephone or video chat.


  • May 1, 2024:通过提交申请,选择参加研究生奖学金暑期支持计划 this Getting Started worksheet to this form 帮助规划和构建您的应用程序-并获得额外的签入权限,以帮助您保持正轨,并以最小的压力制作强大的应用程序!
  • May 20, 2024: China application deadline (适用于中国内地、香港、台湾及澳门护照持有人)
    Please see official website for full application details and advice.
  • July 24, 2024: Optional Draft Deadline for Wellesley applicants applying to 研究生奖学金截止日期在12月31日之前: if you meet the optional draft deadline, 保证在相关申请截止日期前收到反馈, 而且你可以优先预约咨询服务. (Why wait? Earlier and additional drafts are strongly encouraged. Also, if you miss the draft deadline, 不要惊慌:一旦所有在截止日期前完成任务的人都安排好了,我们会尽可能安排你的.)
  • September 12, 2024: US/Global application deadline (适用于中国以外国家护照持有人)
    Please see official website for full application details and advice. Have a question, but can't find an appointment available? 加入奖学金弹出式建议(见活动列表在我们的 website and in Handshake).

Offical semi-finalist interviews:

  • For the China application round, typically July, at Tsinghua University in Beijing
  • For the US/Global application round, 通常在10月底和11月初在全球各地的城市举行

Admission decisions due to be made:

  •  For the China application round: typically October
    See their website for news, videos, updates and more.
  • 美国/全球申请:通常是11月中旬
    See their website for news, videos, updates and more.


Email or call Caitlin Roberts-Donovan at 781.283.2347.