CLCE General Funding Application

General Event Funding

CLCE将为教育和丰富韦尔斯利社区的活动提供资金.  These events include, but are not necessarily limited to; lectures, panels, workshops, performances, and conferences. CLCE活动必须对所有大学社区成员开放.

CLCE每学年召开一次会议,审核申请并决定资助事宜. 请注意,所有现场活动的申请都需要经过教务长办公室的第二步批准.  

2024-25 Application Deadlines:

August 16, 2024

October 18, 2024

February 13, 2025



  General Event online APPLICATION, click here to apply


Late applications will NOT be considered. There are no exceptions. 申请必须于截止日期晚上11点59分前递交. 请在申请截止日期后的10-14天内收到委员会的回复. 

如果您的计算机处于空闲状态,应用程序可能会超时. 请务必保存您的应用程序,如果您预计离开您的计算机空闲. Once an application has been successfully submitted, 申请人将收到一封自动确认邮件. Please reach out to if you did not receive confirmation.


Student Annual Cultural Events:



Slater International Center. To apply please complete the following link.

 General Event Guidelines


  1. Consultation (Faculty/Staff):必须(通过电子邮件)咨询CLCE的成员 at least one week prior to the application deadline. 


  1. Consultation (Students)学生必须咨询学生服务代表(Jessica Grady), Director of Student Involvement & Leadership) at least one week prior to the application deadline. 在与演讲者/表演者谈判合同之前,必须进行咨询.


  1. Co-Sponsorship: 所有活动必须申请其他部门、委员会或学生团体的共同赞助. CLCE寻求其他机构提供大量财政支持和/或重要规划援助的提案. CLCE is the funder of last resort. 鼓励学生向其他学生团体寻求资助,并仅在与该部门工作有关的事件中向学术部门寻求帮助. 


  1. Event purpose/goals: 每个事件必须有一个标题,清楚地表明事件的目的.  应用程序必须描述估计的受众规模, event goals, the focus of the event, featured speaker/performer, 以及该活动将如何造福皇冠体育社区.  


  1. Honorarium & Speaker Fees (will not be awarded to Wellesley Faculty):
    • Honorarium: 给在高等教育机构担任学术职务的演讲者的报酬. Must not exceed $2,000
    •  Speaker Fee: 付费给不隶属于高等教育机构的演讲者.
    • 我们预计,纯虚拟活动的费用将低于有在线组成部分的现场活动. 如果现场活动包含流媒体或虚拟组件,使活动可以在线观看,那么现场活动更有可能获得资助


  1. No Admission fee: 皇冠体育的学生可能会被收取学费, faculty or staff for events funded through the CLCE. 校外人士可收取入场费或场费,以抵销活动费用. 所赚取的利润或未使用的资金必须退还给本中心.


  1. Scheduling: Please visit the Events and Scheduling Office website for current guidelines and resources.
  • Reference the Scheduling FAQ on the Event's Office website
  • Review the Key Dates & Community Calendar. 活动安排应避免与已安排的活动和宗教节日发生冲突. 学期末,尤其是春季学期,往往会安排得很满. 我们敦促那些提议活动的人尽可能在学期的早期寻找日期.
  • 活动(包括虚拟活动)必须在线安排 25Live. 应该安排活动,以最大限度地增加潜在的观众
  • For further assistance, 联系相应的日程安排办公室(在日程安排常见问题网站上列出),查看可能发生冲突的日期


  1. Zoom: Review Zoom FAQs and Tips on the Zoom LTS tech support site.


  1. Budget建议的预算应尽可能具体. 在准备预算时,请考虑以下清单(除了其他费用外)
    • Honorarium ($2,000 max; cannot be Wellesley faculty)
    • CLCE资金申请限制为5,000美元(由于项目资金有限)
    • 交通(往返学院),机票或出租车
    • Lodging and meals for lecturer/performer
    • Dinner off campus and/or reception for guests of event within reason and students must be included.
    • Publicity expenses
    • Custodial services, sound systems, and media service
    • Other costs specific to the event type - Budget Clarity
      • Food budget (within reason).Please provide the following details:
        • ​​​​Name of vendor(s)
        • Attach invoice/price quote from vendor(s)
        • cost per person


   10. Sustainability: 我们强烈鼓励申请人参考可持续发展办公室的 Zero Waste Guidelines


    11. Event Wrap Up Report: must be submitted to at the conclusion of your event.


Please note:

  • 已经发生的事件的提案将不会得到资助. Also, once the CLCE has approved an application, 委员会将不审议为同一活动追加经费的任何请求. You may only apply once for each event.

CLCE does not fund:

  • Alcohol
  • Gifts
  • 活动只对成员和/或不开放给整个学院社区
  • Honoraria to current Wellesley Faculty
  • Items described as “Miscellaneous”

CLCE Decision Criteria:

I.  Successful applications:

  • 将提高和教育皇冠体育社区
  • Include all application materials
  • Have been submitted by the published deadline
  • Clearly state event title
  • Explain significance of event for the community
  • Explain items listed in budget proposal
  • 必要时,合同已由适当的CLCE成员审查

II. 在下列情况下,可减少所要求的资金数额:

  • Budget details are not carefully constructed.
  • CLCE的资金有限,无法满足全部要求.
  • Application lacks significant co-sponsorship.

III. 在下列情况下,申请可被拒绝,而不会有机会重新递交:

  • 拟议的活动似乎没有教育和/或丰富皇冠体育社区,因此不会满足CLCE的使命.
  • 为已经发生的事件请求资金.
  • 在提交提案时违反了荣誉守则(e.g.、伪造相关活动信息、抄袭等.).